Saint Columbkille School offers a rigorous elementary education for students in Pre-School through Eighth Grade. The State Board of Education for Ohio has approved the standards presented by the Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association (OCSAA) for seeking and maintaining accreditation. Saint Columbkille School is accredited and engages in strategic planning toward a vision of high performance implementing a course of study that meets diocesan requirements for each subject. The school’s curriculum is aligned with the National Common Core Standards. Teachers follow a yearly overview and map the curriculum to guide specific content to be mastered, the skills to be developed, and the means of assessment at each grade level.
Christian service is an expression of love for others and is the call of every Christian on their journey through life. The more we care for the needs of others, the more we become like Christ. Children serving in ministries is crucial in our church today. It is important that children begin to serve at a young age so that they can continue to grow and thrive in their spiritual journey as they get older. Being actively involved show “faith in action” and helps to create a strong and supportive community. Christian service is an expression of love for others and is the call of every Christian on their journey through life.
As we live our mission to "Witness to Jesus," St. Columbkille students are asked to participate in various service projects throughout the school year. These opportunities encourage leadership on all grade levels, allow students to interact with peers and other grade levels, and promote awareness of the needs of the Church and society. The projects are an integral part of student life.
Our school mission is to develop our students to live their lives as a Witness to Jesus. We believe our school exists to teach the mandate of Jesus: "Love one another as I have loved you."
We believe that we share the vision of Jesus within an atmosphere designed to celebrate and practice the love of God and neighbor. We motivate students to grow academically, culturally, and socially. Jesus remains with the community He formed, and we are privileged to witness and share that Presence.
6740 Broadview Road
Parma, OH 44134
(216) 524-4816