Our school community is very appreciative of our volunteers’ dedication. We are truly blessed to have such a vibrant and caring community. The Diocese of Cleveland has recently revised their requirements for those who volunteer in the school or for school related activities. Below is a summary of the Diocesan mandated requirements that anyone who works with our school children must comply with.
EVERYONE who works with our children or volunteers in ANY way needs to complete this diocesan training. This includes those who volunteer in the Library, Computer Lab, Cafeteria, or any other classroom for various activities (field trips, parties, etc.); as well as, those who help with our Accelerated Reader program and PTU members and others who volunteer at events/functions. Information about how to register and where upcoming sessions will be held can be found at: www.clevelandchildprotection.org.
Further, employees, coaches, scout leaders, assistants, and those who volunteer on a regular basis (defined as at least 1 hour/week or 4 hours/month) must complete the following requirements in addition to Virtus Training:
In order to provide the safest environment possible to those we serve, The Diocese of Cleveland, in conjunction with Virtus, has partnered with Selection.com, a faith-based background check company. Selection.com has been in business for over 25 years and is currently serving 33 Dioceses across the US. It is a government recognized reporting agency that will run periodic checks on our active volunteers. Selection.com is much easier and more convenient for volunteers to use, as well as for the parish. It does come with a one time cost of $25. If you are unable to financially cover this cost, please contact Mrs. Kelley at mkelley@stcolumbkilleschool.org to discuss assistance/reimbursement.
To complete the online background check:
We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation in this manner, as well as your timely completion of the requirements. We do appreciate all that our volunteers do to enrich our student’s educational experience. If you have further questions, please contact the school, or click the button bellow to view the full check list from the Cleveland Diocese.
In Christ’s Peace,
The Administrative Staff
Saint Columbkille School
Our school mission is to develop our students to live their lives as a Witness to Jesus. We believe our school exists to teach the mandate of Jesus: "Love one another as I have loved you."
We believe that we share the vision of Jesus within an atmosphere designed to celebrate and practice the love of God and neighbor. We motivate students to grow academically, culturally, and socially. Jesus remains with the community He formed, and we are privileged to witness and share that Presence.
6740 Broadview Road
Parma, OH 44134
(216) 524-4816