School History

School History

Our History 

St. Columbkille,

A Tradition of Excellence in Spirit 

We believe our school exists to tech the mandates of Jesus. "Love one another as I have loved you." - John 15:12

To accomplish this vision, we continually strive to build a community of faith in which the Christian message, the experience of community, worship, and social concerns, are integrated in the total experience of students, their parents/guardians, and members of the faculty and staff.

We believe that Catholic faith formation and Catholic religious education are the purpose and focal point of our school. Faith values permeate all subject areas in the curriculum. We believe that we share the vision of Jesus within an atmosphere designed to celebrate and practice the love of God and neighbor. We motivate students to grow academically, culturally, and socially. Jesus remains with the community he formed, and we are privileged to witness and share in their presence.

Serving as a reminder and as an inspiration for the "Family of St. Columbkille," our school and parish emblem incorporates several symbols. The "wheel" in the center of the Celtic cross is an instrument of movement, which is symbolic as a means of helping us individually and collectively to fulfill their reason for our existence; to love and serve God and each other. All of us, together as a community, form of the large "C." The spokes represent each of us as we are joined together at the hub represented by christ, symbolized by the Greek letters "Chi" and "Rho," who is the center of our parish and social life. 

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